“The child we had, but never had, and yet will have forever.”
This is taken from a poem I found right after we lost our
second baby in October. It has been on
my mind a lot today. I celebrate today
the child we had, but never had, and yet will have forever. I also mourn today this same fact. May 2nd will be seen as a reminder
to me that God has provided for my baby in every possible way. This child will never live in this world and
feel the pains of evil, loss, or rejection.
Instead, my child will know only the joys of being in God’s presence
always and forever. And so, I celebrate…
On Sunday, I will put a bouquet of flowers at the front of
one of our churches and place it before God.
When I could and should have a baby in my arms, all I will hold is
Oh sure, the flowers will be
beautiful – but they’re just flowers…empty eye-pleasures that will soon wilt
and die.
What I want to hold is this
baby that I held for a short time within me.
But instead - all I have is flowers.

And so, I’ll take these flowers and lay them down at the
feet of Jesus and pledge again to Him that I will live my life for Him and Him
alone – no matter the cost.
Do I even
know what that means?
anyone really know what that
I guess I’m still learning.
I’m still learning what it means to wholly
abandon the desires of my heart and chase only after the desires of His
I’m still learning how to
overcome my sin struggles and focus only on Him.
I often don’t do it well – and sometimes, I
don’t do it at all…but I’m trying.
And in moments like this, when you expect a baby and only
have flowers – you may wonder if God sees your efforts to live for Him. Does He see that I am only holding flowers in my arms? Doesn’t He see that I’m laying before His
feet a bouquet instead of a baby? Does
He even care?
YES! The answer is
“yes” every time. Because He loves me, He has given me a bouquet of flowers. Because
He loves me, He took this child of mine, along with another, into His
presence. And let me tell you – it
doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t
get it. And you know what? I don’t have to get it. I just have to lay it down – as He asks us to
So, on Sunday when I place those beautiful flowers in front
of the cross and smell the sweet scent from each one, I will count my blessings
– as a lover counts flower petals.
He loves me…He loves
me not…He loves me…He loves me not.
I will look at those flowers and see in them the sweet
fragrance of Him whose scent never grows old.
He loves me…He loves
me…He loves me…He loves me…
He loves me and my babies SO much that He took them from
this sin-painted world and placed them in the beautiful fields of heaven.
Happy birthday to my second baby…now we have two children to
meet on that grand day in heaven! These
are the children we had, but never had, yet will have forever!
He loves me…