Thursday, February 14, 2013

So It Begins

“So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. 
Ezra 8:23

I know lots of people who regularly give something up for the Lenten season.  I’ve never done this.  I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this but I also don’t think it is required of us in the Bible.  So, I never had given it much thought.  But yesterday, I was listening to a lady on 1090 AM talk about fasting and it got my mind working.  Although this falls at the time when most people are denying themselves some good thing – I am simply going to use this time to draw closer to God and His will – so not exactly a Lenten fast.

I’ve been asking God to give me guidance and direction in the last few months about whether we should begin pursuing adoption or continue trying to get pregnant.  I feel like God is saying Yes to both of these – but don’t really understand where to go from here.  So, after listening to the radio – I’ve decided to do something a little bit different.  I’m going to fast from Facebook and use that time instead to read more of God’s Word and pray for wisdom.  I recently read about Solomon’s request of God, asking for wisdom and discernment – and God was pleased to give this to him because he desired that above wealth and fame.

“So give your servant a discerning heart … to distinguish between right and wrong.” 

“The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this.  So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself … but for discernment … I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.”
1 Kings 3:9-12

And so, I will be spending my time asking God to grant me a wise and discerning heart – to know what God would have us do with adoption and pregnancy. 

I’ve found that fasting is a very rewarding experience – and not scary like some people might think.  In Elmer Towns’ book “The Daniel Fast for Spiritual Breakthrough”, he says that the purpose of fasting is to make a personal commitment between yourself and God.  The back of the book states, “The prophet Daniel is a model for anyone who longs to honor God and experience the spiritual breakthrough that begins with prayer and self-discipline.”  THIS is my goal and THIS is my desire.

And so begins my 40 day journey to knowing better the wisdom of God.  Each day, I’ll be focusing on a different Scriptural concept.  I’ve posted them below for you to see, in case you’d like to start your own journey or follow mine.  I’ll be looking at four different categories:  Who is this God, Character Traits for a Woman of God, Facing Life’s Trials, and a Wrap Up.  They are listed specifically below (subject to change, of course).

Who is this God?
1.      God of wisdom
2.      God of power
3.      God of healing
4.      God of joy
5.      God of strength
6.      God of creation
7.      God of singing
8.      God of discipline
9.      God of forgiveness
10.  God of life
11.  God who hears prayers
12.  God of love
13.  God of eternity
14.  God who does not change
15.  God of holiness
16.  God of justice
17.  God of goodness
18.  God of truth
19.  God of relationship
20.  God as King
Character Traits for a Woman of God
1.      Grace
2.      Humility
3.      Inward Beauty
4.      Submission
5.      Love
6.      Forgiveness
7.      Not Idle
8.      Pure talk
9.      Honoring to husband
10.  Joy
Facing Life’s Trials
1.      Knowing God’s will
2.      Submitting to God’s will
3.      Loneliness
4.      Empty Arms
5.      Loss
6.      Living in a country that has forgotten God
7.      Finding purpose in life
8.      Temptation from Satan
9.      When Christ is all you have

1.      Living a life wholly devoted to God

I’ll try to write about my journey and share with you what I learn from this.  I look forward to coming out of this experience with my hand in the hand of God and look forward to finally giving up this struggle to Him and having peace.  Please pray that this would be a time of sweet communion for me with God and that I would have better wisdom and discernment about starting a family when this is over.

So begins the journey towards Christ,


  1. May God bless your immersing yourself in His Word; will be anxious to read about your journey. XOXOXO

  2. Thanks Susan! I know you'll be praying and that means alot! I'm looking forward to it! :)
