Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Tribute to My Mom

Sunday, September 9th, is my Mom's birthday.  I won't tell you how old she is but I am going to tell you how wonderful she is!  So, this post is a tribute to my beautiful and wonderful mother. 

 Many of the first memories I have in this life include my mom.  I helped my parents cook in the kitchen at church camp when I was too little to be a camper.  I remember complaining that I didn't have any important jobs to do and I wanted one ( I was only like 5 or 6 at the time).  So, my mom brought out this huge - and I mean HUGE - block of cheese and told me to start grating it.  I think I stood on a chair and grated cheese for the rest of the day...until I grated part of my thumb into it, too!  I know, gross - but I was proud that I could help!

She helped me learn to ride my bike without training wheels.  She taught me how to fix my hair.  She taught me how to cook.  She helped me with my homework. 

Mom faithfully took me and my sister to piano practice each Saturday morning and had us listen to "Adventures in Odyssey", a storytelling section on Christian radio.  She always had 103.9 FM on the radio in the car, home of Southern Gospel Music.  There are some days when I really want to hear "Little Chuckie was a Church Mouse" - the song that I used to beg my mom to let me call in and request...and she usually gave in!

She took care of me when I was sick.  I have vivid memories of laying on the floor at her office, rolled up in my sleeping bag because I was so sick.  She couldn't take off work every time one of us kids got sick - so she just took us to work with her and we slept on the floor all day.  I remember loving it because I knew that my mom was going to take care of me, even at work.  She would put us in the adjoining room to her office, turn off the light, and shut the door. 

Mom took me to the oral surgeon when I got my wisdom teeth cut out.  She held me up on the way to the car when I was still too woozy to talk straight.

My mom never missed a game when I was in grade school or high school.   She was at every softball, basketball, and volleyball game I ever played in - unless she and Dad went their separate ways because one of my siblings had another game on the same night.  I often marveled at how she could stay awake for the 2 hour right home from several of my basketball games, while I was sleeping like a rock in the back seat.  She'd wake me up at about midnight when we got home and she would still be up the next morning to help me get ready for school.  What a mom!

She always fixed me my favorite birthday meal - even if it was a little bit odd!!  Hot dogs or sloppy joes, macaroni and cheese, and mashed potatoes, with poke cake!  Strange meal but she never said a word!

My mom was there for me when I was in college and beyond, waiting for God to show me the man I was to marry.  I remember her telling me that God had someone great for me and that I should just trust in Him to take care of things.  She would encourage me to give my worries and loneliness up to God and have joy in my life again.

Mom would massage my feet after my long weekend shifts (and some short weekday ones, too) at Dairy Queen when my feet hurt so bad that I couldn't even walk to my bedroom.  She understood the pain because she has it too - and she quietly rubbed my feet at night while we sat in front of the TV and watched MASH.  lol
My mom showed up at our apartment on "moving day" in Sparta and calmed me down before anyone else showed up when I saw the moving truck pull up and said, "I'm really moving.  I'm really leaving, aren't I?"  She helped me finish up the last minute stuff I needed to do and assured me that everything was going to work out.  She was there when me and Shawn looked at our empty apartment after everyone had left and wondered what our life was going to look like in Iowa.  She told me that the thought of panic that said, "What have we done?" as we looked at our completely empty apartment was normal and that we were doing the right thing.  I already knew that but needed to hear it.  She was the one who helped me pack my most important last minute valuables and made sure that they made it safely to our home in Iowa.

Mom guided me step-by-step through my miscarriage that I had last year.  She told me exactly what to expect and that I didn't need to be worried.  She was there for me 2 days after moving to Iowa, when I laid on the couch and cried about what had happened.  She was the one who encouraged me to take a nap, in the midst of boxes and boxes of stuff everywhere...and while I slept, she finished unpacking my kitchen.

My mom (and my dad, too!) is always the one who cries when we leave to go back to Iowa after a trip home.  The week (or 3 1/2 days with each family) goes by so fast that before we know it, it's time to say goodbye.  She always smiles a brave smile and says, "It was good to see you.  Have a good trip home."  and the whole time, her bottom lip is shaking.  That's usually when I start to struggle too!

 It's pretty obvious that God has used my mom to help shape me into the person I am today.  I have lots of learning and growing to do still but I know that I am where I am today because I had a mother who never gave up on me and always stood by my side.  I know that today still, I have a mother who is always willing to listen and understand on the phone.  Just last night, we talked until her cell phone died and then talked on my dad's phone for another 45 minutes or so!  I know my Mom is here for me and I love her for the mother that she is to me!

So, Mom - when you get around to reading this, I love you!  Thanks for being the Mom that I needed in my childhood and into adulthood.  Thanks for your love and care over me!  I love having you for a mom!  Happy Birthday!



  1. What a wonderful tribute to a great lady - happy to know you both :-)

  2. Thanks, Mary! You're a great lady, too!

  3. I dont know you but do u have the words to the church mouse song

    1. I've tried to find the lyrics myself and haven't been able to. However, I just emailed the radio station I listened to in my childhood and requested information about it. It's a pretty old song, but we'll see! :)

      Thanks for reading my blog. Where are you from and what's your story? I'd love to hear it! Blessings to you from Iowa!
